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  • Tread lightly as you travel this land,

    Take only photographs - Leave only footprints,

    Let us pass through quietly,

    We are but caretakers of the this wonderful world.



  • Welcome to my website

  • I hope you enjoy viewing these pictures.

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    Please use the menu at the top of the page to select the various fauna and flora you wish to view.

    My very latest photos can be be seen on my Facebook page (see menu).

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    About the photographer

    I live in Northwest England on the edge of the beautiful Ribble Valley and Forest of Bowland National Landscape.


    Most of my life I have been interested in the outdoors and wildlife. After retiring and as an ageing body reduced my ability to continue fell walking I turned to concentrating on wildlife watching and then including photographing wildlife.



    Most photographs were taken in north west England with a few taken on the Ardnamurchan peninsula in Scotland.


    All my photography is purely for my own enjoyment and relaxation. I hope that others find enjoyment in my photographs as well.


    If you wish to leave any comment or ask a question please message me on my Facebook page (link at top of page).



    Camera: Nikon D750

    Lens : Sigma 150 - 600                    

    Sigma 80 - 400

    Nikon 18 - 140

    Tameraon 18 - 270

    Sigma 70 - 300 (macro)